5 ways working out every day can make you better
Get your cardio inRegular cardio workouts can, strengthen your heart and blood vessels, improve the flow of oxygen throughout your body, lower your...

Healthy Protein Bars (No cooking)
Cook healthy snacks with all-natural ingredients ✨Recipe by: Claudine (Passion santé)Ingredients:• 1/2 cup almond butter• 2 tablespoons of coconut ...

Nutrients to help with depression
At the time of this writing, we are neck-deep in quarantine. Out of money, out of routine, sleep patterns off and a chronic low-grade cortisol lift...

Breakfast Cookie Recipe 🍪
Cook healthy snacks with natural ingredients ✨Recipe by: Claudine (Passion santé)Ingredients:• 1/2 cup of date puree• 1/2 cup unsweetened applesauc...

La responsabilité immunitaire individuelle (French Only)
Article par Keven Arseneault, Kinésiologue
En ce temps de crise de la COVID-19 (vous pouvez suivre la progression des cas et de la mortalité mondia...

Tips for Maintaining Your Gains During At Home Workouts
By Chett Binning, Scientific Specialist, and Educator
If you’re someone who doesn’t have access to a fully functioning home gym right now, you’re p...

Top 3 supplements for helping immunity
Well, here we are neck-deep in quarantine, doing our best to avoid exposures of consequence. Luckily grocery stores are still open, so fresh food a...

Green Tea Metabolism Support Smoothie 🍵
Prep Time: 5 minsServes: 2 smoothiesIngredients• 1/2 cup strongly brewed green tea• 1/4 cup coconut milk canned, full fat• 2 cups spinach fresh or ...

Desperate Times Call for Desperate Measures.
Actions that might seem extreme under normal circumstances are appropriate during adversity. It has been proven throughout history that tough times...

Protein Peanut Butter Cookie Recipe 🥜
Prep time: 5 minsCook time: 12 minsTotal time: 17 minsServes: 12Ingredients• 2 eggs• 1-1/3 cups of our vanilla New Zealand Whey• 1 cup natural pean...

Immune Support Smoothie 😷🥤
Prep Time: 3 minsServes: 1Ingredients• 1/2 organic orange• 1/2 cup frozen pineapple• 1 teaspoon fresh lemon juice• 1 banana (can use a frozen banan...

Can you control or influence where you will lose fat?
If I had a dollar for each time I saw someone do butt exercises for the purpose of losing fat in that precise area, I would be retired living in so...