The power of Vitamin D

Low vitamin D is being linked with many health issues and diseases such as higher risks of cardiovascular disease, cognitive impairment, sever asthma in children and even cancer.
Vitamin D could play a key role in the prevention and treatment of many conditions, including diabetes, hypertension, glucose intolerance, M.S. and obesity.
A group of Danish scientists with Aarhus University conducted a Meta-Study over 55 previous studies where the researchers measured Vitamin D and the BMI of large groups. It was split into three groups, a BMI of 18-25, 25-30 and over 30.
Even though this analysis shows association, but not necessarily a causal relationship, other studies suggest that Vitamin D influences how muscles deal with energy and fat, then it is most probable that low vitamin D is a factor of obesity.
With autumn knocking at our door and the holidays in a few months, Vitamin D can help you boost your immune system as well as staying in top shape during those challenging times!
Coach Eric