Returning to the Gym: 5 tips for a Safe, Sound and Effective return
Well for the past 3-4 months most of us have been locked out of any appreciable gym. Safe from COVID but deteriorating from the drop inactivity.Som...

Taking the depression out of home workouts and lockdowns- finding our way back!
The lockdown and loss of our gym have taken a bite out of us all. We used to own our future by our choices- then suddenly choices were being made f...

ATP LAB Home Workout Lower Body
We are proud to present the first of a series of training videos featuring two of our certified coaches Cynthia Benoit and Eric Falstrault. This vi...

Stuck at home-workouts from the hardware store
Back in the day, I had the privilege of working with renowned strength coach Charles Poliquin.One thing Charles was adamant about was the value of ...

Tips for Maintaining Your Gains During At Home Workouts
By Chett Binning, Scientific Specialist, and Educator
If you’re someone who doesn’t have access to a fully functioning home gym right now, you’re p...